Saturday, 8 January 2011

time & memory, an act of remembrance

the weather finally cleared enough to shoot more work for this project.
my idea has undertaken another slight alteration. initially i had been planning to take a number of "memories" and represent them all in the same way, but as my concept has developed this idea doesn't really fit anymore - all the images would be of the same thing. a more interesting idea would be to take one memory and show an act of remembrance connected to it. the props or objects (the coloured bottles) become triggers in a more personal way - they either mean something to you as a viewer or they do not. my main aim is to show how anything and everything, sound as well as visuals, act as triggers and it's because of these small things that "remind" us that we are able to dig things up from deep seated long term memory. i have chosen my props for specific reasons (outlined in one of my earlier blogs) but ultimately they are just subjective things.

these four images become a story arc. that foggy moment when something has clicked but you're still trying to sift through all the information you've ever withheld... the triggers then act as a focus, and a memnory is eventually formed. this can all happen within milliseconds, or if you have an appalling memory like me, it can take a very long time to fully form the memory.

i also recorded a video and am still in the editing process. the sound needs a lot of work, as does the colour correction for obvious reasons. i also intend to shoot another short scene which should hopefully help you as a viewer understand what the character is "remembering" a little better.

here is what i have so far:

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