Saturday, 8 January 2011

my favourite mycroft.

unbelievably the god that is mark gatiss came to the mill arts centre in banbury last night for an interview session in aid of the samaritans (charity is the only thing that can get people of interest to come anywhere near this town it seems). dragged my sister along as no-one else i know seems to appreciate this man... and i came away feeling inspired again. there isn't much more i can ask for than that.

short summary of mark gatiss, not that i should need to give it - co-creator of the league of gentlemen, co-writer in several episodes of dr who, last year gave us my new favourite thing, the new sherlock, as well as having acted in and written numerous other productions (starter for 10, the first men on the moon, the worst journey in the world, a history of horror...).

i suppose what impresses me most about mark gatiss is the fact he's become extremely successful, not just because he knows the right people, but because he is a talented writer and actor who did nothing but simply "stick at it", and in doing this has had a healthy career doing everything he's passionate about - he said he didn't think he'd ever worked on a project his heart wasn't in 100%. he's never lost an ounce of integrity.
his advice - if you want something enough, whether you want to be a writer, a photographer, a filmmaker, an actor, if you have nothing but passion then just work and work and create something you are proud of. even if you have rooms full of discarded ideas and scraps of paper, keep going. find a good idea.
the people who are "stars" don't always deserve to be stars... and there will always be wealths of talented people who never get to be well known for what they do. contacts can only get you so far... talent, hard work and good ideas are worth so much more.

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